PREPARE Network Is Promoting New Activists For Rural Development- Meet Zane Seredina from Latvia

‘’Rural activist is a person who strongly believes that what matters is people’s skills, relationships and effort, not the place on map where they are located.’’ – this is a significant message from Zane. Zane is currently working as a Project Coordinator in the NGO Latvian Rural Forum and she is qualified as a “Development Planning Engineer". Her job experience includes work in the business sector, practice in a Municipality Development Department and in a Planning Region. However, wor...
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The Moldovan Leader Network Is Established

Moldova is ready to implement LEADER as never before. In addition to the 30 LAGs that have been established, the National LEADER Network has also been built in Moldova Initiatives to implement the LEADER approach in the Republic of Moldova started in 2016. Facilitation of the process of creating Local Action Groups (LAGs) has been carried out by various organizations active in the field of local development. Today in Moldova there are more than 30 established LAG initiatives, some of them fun...
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PREPARE Network history (Hungary)

… the PREPARE initiative was born at the travelling workshop organized in Estonia and Sweden in 1999, but the name PREPARE – Pre-Accession Partnership for Rural Europe – was decided by participants at the second workshop, organized in Hungary in 2000. Inspired by the first event, Marta Marczis initiated this second meeting, which involved two plenary meetings in Budapest and site visits in rural Hungary in four groups. Marta had been one of the facilitators of the event in Estonia and Sweden and...
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PREPARE Aisbl Vice-president Goran Soster Participates in “Permanent Subgroup On Leader And Community -led Local Development”

Permanent Subgroup on LEADER and Community- Led Local Development was organised by ENRD on the 31st of January 2019 PREPARE's representative Goran Šoster took part at the sixth meeting of the LEADER Sub-group. Participants got the information about state-of-play in the current period and discussed the possibilities for improvement in the next programming period from 2021-2027. Sub-group members exchanged examples of LAG's self-assessment. Communication of LAGs with their target groups was imp...
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Prepare Aisbl President Aris Adlers Participates In “civil Dialogue Group Member Organisation Exchange Of View Event”

“Civil Dialogue Group member organisations exchange of view event” was organised by the European Commission on the 1st of February 2019. Civil dialogue groups assist the Commission to hold a regular dialogue on all matters relating to the common agricultural policy, including rural development, and its implementation.  More information about Civil dialogue groups: On the 1st of February European Commission gathered the Secretary gen...
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Smart Village Network meeting in Finland

The first meeting of the Smart Village Network is organised in Finland (Ellivuori Resort), with support from the Finnish Village Movement and the Finnish National Rural Network PREPARE promotes smart solutions for rural development. We encourage you to participate in the First Smart Village Network Meeting in Finland this February. More information on the web page: One of co-organisers or the event is Finish Village movement (Suomen Kylät ...
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Prapare president and vice president supported Georgian LEADER initiatives

PREPARE, since its strategic decision to work in the Black Sea region, is closely involved in  LEADER implementation in Georgia The LEADER approach is quite new approach for rural development in Georgia, mainly supported by ENPARD. During the piloting, 8 local action groups were established ( With the support of Ministry of foreign affairs of Latvia, PREPARE president Āris Ādlers visited Georgia and met with the main stakeholders of LEADER implement...
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Prepare Network celebrates its 20th anniversary

In year 2019 we mark the 20th anniversary for PREPARE Network. The origin of PREPARE was the traveling workshop in Estonia and Sweden of 1999, aimed at civil society and government people from rural areas of the then accession countries of central Europe. The success of honourable age of PREPARE hides in the spirit of its founding organisations and of those who joined later and helped build the network. Travelling workshop in Estonia and Sweden was initiated by Hannes Lorenzen, in his capacit...
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Balkan Rural Development Network (BRDN) meets in Skopje

On December 13th and 14th, six of the BRDN members, representatives of the rural development networks of Serbia, Republic of Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro, gathered in Skopje to discuss and develop a draft of BRDN’s Statute, which will serve as a base in the further process of formalisation of the BRDN. The Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia presented the activities planned for the following year as part of the We Effect’s support for de...
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Prepare gathering 2018

The PREPARE GATHERING 2018 and the second multi-national thematic meeting of the ALTER project were held from the 30th October until the 1st of November 2018, in Kosovo, in the town of Peja Participants to this important event were representatives of member organisations of the PREPARE network and members of the Balkan Rural Development Network, who are partners in the regional project ALTER. This multi-national meeting addressed the importance of dialogue on the following issues: Str...
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