Newsletter #WeArePrepare (Nov 2019)

In this edition: -European Rural Parliament demands a real rural agenda for Europe -Structured dialogue with European structural and investment funds’ partners group of experts took place in Brussels, 19th november -Public forum “towards peasants rigthts to land in ukraine” took place in Kiev in 26th of november -Forum Synergies and Latvian Rural forum Scholarship programme brings people together -LEADER/CLLD conference in Portugal -CLLD Conference in Brussels, 3-4 december ...
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New Activists For Rural Development- Meet Rinor Ahmeti from Kosovo

Rinor Ahmeti is 22 years old and he comes from Kosovo, but is currently studying and staying in Hungary. He is highly passionate about developing his career in the field of Rural Development. According to him local organisations are very important in providing services for their communities. Considering that he is a volunteer in another organisation, being a new rural development activist would assist him to grow both professionally and personally. His main purpose is to be engaged and contribut...
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CLLD conference in Brussels, 3-4 December

500 stakeholders of CLLD from rural, urban and fisheries areas met in Brussels to discuss achievements and future of this approach in the conference “Post 2020 – Local Action in a changing world”. Since the start of the 2014-2020 programme period, the European Commission and its services organise annually a big transnational event for actors involved in CLLD financed from the four EU Funds (EAFRD, EMFF, ESF and ERDF). In 2019 it was again the turn of DG MARE and FARNET to organise such an eve...
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LEADER/CLLD conference in Portugal

From 25th to 26th of November in Amarante (Portugal), ELARD Aisbl was organising its LEADER/CLLD 2019 CONFERENCE The keynote presentation “Implementing CLLD in EU: Experiences so far – stocktaking, analysis and recommendations”, elaborated by Loris Servillo, Researcher and Associate Professor at Politecnico of Torino, and Stefan Kah, Researcher at University of Strathclyde/European Policies Research Centre, launched the event, which was joined by more than 120 participants from 17 countries. ...
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Forum Synergies and Latvian Rural forum Scholarship programme brings people together

In October under the Scholarship programme, the Latvian Local Action Group “Jūras Zeme” was hosting  a young man from Croatia Franjo Toic. To encourage other young peole to participate un the programme, here is a story from Franjo Early this year, I noticed the information that there was an open call for scholarship provided by Forum Synergies. I never had the opportunity to be on an exchange program, so I decided to apply and after some time of t...
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Public forum “Towards peasants rigthts to land in Ukraine” took place in Kiev in 26th of november

Ukrainian Rural Development Network, European Coordination La Via CAMPESINA, and Institute for Economics and Forecasting, NAS Ukraine, initiated the Public Forum “Towards Peasant’s Rights to Land in Ukraine”, which took place on 26 November 2019, Ukraine, Kyiv The lifting of the moratorium on agricultural land sales is one of the top urgent priorities for Ukrainian government. The proposed models for land market and land sales are designed to provide an easy access to agricultural land for bi...
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Structured dialogue with European Structural and Investment funds’ Partners group of experts took place in Brussels, 19th november

PREPARE  (through its board member Nikša Božic) was present at the meeting of the Structured Dialogue group of experts for ESI Funds. The agenda covered topics of preparations for the post-2021 period (update on co-legislative negotiations on the post-2021 package, update on programming of the funds, implementation of the partnership principle, measures proposed for simplification in the post-2021 legislative package and complementarity between Funds. Most presentations are already available ...
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The 4th European Rural Parliament was held in Candás, Asturias, Spain from November 6-9, 2019.

The 335 participants representing 38 European countries included rural inhabitants, representatives of civil society organisations, researchers, national governments and European Union institutions. This was preceded on November 4-6 by the 2nd European Rural Youth Parliament ERYP, in which 70 young delegates from 14 countries gathered to share their perspective on rural life. The 2nd European Rural Youth Parliament issued a Declaration with 10 calls for action regarding the most urgent challenge...
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Newsletter #WeArePrepare (Oct 2019)

In this edition: - European Rural Parliament this week - PREPARE members held their general assembly 2019 - Structured dialogue with european structural and investment funds’ partners group of experts will take place in Brussels, 19th november - Agricultural policy forum 2019 gathered in Ohrid more than 140 relevant stakeholders from 16 countries from SEE and beyond - Conference of Polish local action groups, 30 september – 2 october 2019 - PREPARE is promoting new activists for rural de...
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New Activists For Rural Development- Meet Rimvydas Palubinskas from Lithuania

Rimvydas Palubinskas is the leader of Alvitas rural community. Within the Vilkaviškis region local action group, his community takes an active part in the development of the local development strategy. He was elected to the VAG (Vilkaviškis activity group) council for ten years. At this time Rimvydas  became a member of the council in Vilkaviškis region department and a vice-chairman of the rural business committee.  He is very keen on rural development,  interested in innovations and takes part...
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