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The European Commission encourages involvement in the planning of Cohesion Policy at national level

During the Structured Dialogue with ESIF partners event, Kadri Uustal, Head of Unit Coordination of programes (DG Regio) presented Cohesion policy 2021- 2027 programming and encouraged Civil Society to take part in planning of Cohesion Policy at national level. To find relavant ontacts in Your country, go to link: https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/ Find full presentation here:    
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A vision for rural Europe

A Web Conference of high value to PREPARE was held in 7 July - organised by two men who are our close friends, with a keynote speech by a remarkable women. The event was jointly organised and chaired by Dacian Cioloş and Hannes Lorenzen.  Dacian is now a MEP, and President of the Renew Europe.  6 years ago, as European Commissioner for Agriculture, he funded PREPARE’s series of traveling workshops and conferences on Empowering Rural Stakeholders in the Western Balkans.  Hannes was founder Cha...
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New Activists For Rural Development- Meet Vane Naunov from North Macedonia

Vane Naunov is a 25 years old lawyer, currently following post graduate studies on intellectual property law. He comes from Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia and considers himself a youth activist, member of rural development network in North Macedonia for more than one year as a member of Aero club Skopje. Since he is a young lawyer and aeronautical enthusiast, his field of work is mostly law regarding the young people’s rights and needs, initiatives for supporting young people’s inclusion...
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EU recovery plan for Rural Developement

During webinar, organised by PREPARE, Silvia Michelini from the EC told about the proposals of the recovery plan - following Brexit and Corona and the wishes to include citizen´s in the preparation of the Future of Rural Europe paper. She also mentioned the increased possibilities for networking between EU and Non-EU countries. You can find a short paper of the essential proposals for rural areas in the recovery plan. The Commission will increase the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) by €9 bil...
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The European Green Deal- Message To PREPARE Partners From Michael Dower, Former PREPARE Coordinator

I draw your attention to a major policy statement, recently approved by the European Commission after consultation, which will be reflected in many of the main EU programmes in the period 2021 to 2027. I refer to the European Green Deal, which is based strongly on the tackling of climate change, sustainable use of resources and protection of wildlife. The Green Deal approach will be applied to all main sectors of the European economy, including the rural economy which matters so much to us in P...
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From Hystory of PREPARE- Gathering 2011 in Serbia

PREPARE Gathering in 2011. In 2011 more than 150 participants from about 20 European countries gathered in Zlatibor, Republic of Serbia. During the gathering June 29 - July 2, 2011, the conference “Access EU with Integrated Rural Development” took place and a local tour to ethno-complex was organised. PREPARE travelling workshops was organised on the following themes: Rural development initiatives in the Vojvodina region, Rural development initiatives in South-western Serbia region, Rural dev...
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From Hystory of PREPARE- Gathering 2010 in Macedonia

PREPARE Gathering in 2010. This year 109 participants from 20 European countries gathered in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) from 30th August to 3rd September. The participants were welcomed by representatives of the organisers (ALKA and PREPARE) as well as by Macedonian  Ministry  of  Agriculture,  Forestry  and  Food,  Mr.  Ljupco  Dimovski. Also,  the European Commissioner for Agriculture, Mr. Dacian Ciolos, addressed the PREPARE Gathering participants with a  letter  that  was  read ...
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New Activists For Rural Development- Meet Edisona Franca from Kosovo

Edisona is a 23 years old agricultural student from Kosovo. She is a youth activist, primarily dedicating time working for the Network of Organizations for Rural Development of Kosovo which she joined last year. As an agricultural student she strongly believes in the importance of agriculture in rural development, especially with regard to land use, but also taking into account the potential contribution of farming to rural development in terms of supporting employment and environmental services...
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