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Candidates for the European Parliament Share Their Views on Rural Development – Petri Rinne

As the European Parliament elections approach, candidates are voicing their perspectives on crucial issues affecting the continent. One of the significant areas of focus is rural development, which impacts a substantial portion of the EU population. Today, we feature a statement from Mr. Petri Rinne, a candidate for the European Parliament from Finland. Mr. Petri Rinne's Statement on Rural Development "These elections are crucial for rural areas. The expected big victory of far-right...
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Empowering Rural Communities: PREPARE’s Role in the FUTURAL Project

PREPARE is delighted to announce its active involvement in the FUTURAL project, a visionary initiative designed to revolutionize rural communities across Europe through innovative smart solutions. FUTURAL aims to address the unique challenges faced by rural areas, fostering sustainable development, and enhancing the quality of life for rural residents. What is FUTURAL? FUTURAL (Empowering the FUTure through innovative Smart Solutions for rURAL areas) is a comprehensive project funded by the Eu...
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Bridging Rural and Urban Communities: PREPARE’s Role in the RURBANIVE Project

PREPARE is excited to announce our participation in the innovative RURBANIVE project, a comprehensive initiative aimed at fostering synergies between rural and urban areas through immersive technologies and strategic innovations. About RURBANIVE RURBANIVE stands for "RUral-uRBAN synergies emerged in an immersIVE innovation ecosystem." This ambitious project seeks to tackle the unique challenges faced by rural and urban communities by leveraging cutting-edge technologies and participatory proce...
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Support European Rural Areas: An Initiative for Change

Amplifying rural voices in the European Parliament Rural activists across Europe are rallying support from candidates running for the European Parliament to prioritize the needs and voices of rural communities. This initiative aims to bring rural issues to the forefront of the political agenda during the 2024 – 2029 mandate. The pledge for rural development As part of this initiative, candidates are invited to pledge their support for rural citizens and the development of rural areas. By sign...
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GRANULAR Project: A vision for rural growth and learnin

GRANULAR Project: A vision for rural growth and learning Introduction In the dynamic landscape of European rural development, the GRANULAR project stands out as a beacon of innovation and community empowerment. This initiative is a collaborative effort that aims to enhance the quality of life in rural areas by strengthening the skills and capabilities of local stakeholders. A key partner in this endeavor is the PREPARE network, which plays a crucial role in connecting and supporting rural co...
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Our Futural project: pioneering smart solutions for Europe’s remote rural areas

In an insightful brief released by the Joint Research Center of the European Commission, it has been highlighted that citizens residing in Europe’s remote rural regions are increasingly facing multifaceted challenges. These challenges stem primarily from socioeconomic factors such as ageing populations and restricted access to crucial infrastructure and resources. The Futural project, a forward-thinking initiative funded under the Horizon Europe framework, aims to directly tackle these issues...
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Rural Pact Coordination Group: third meeting

  The Rural Pact Coordination Group (RPCG) held its third meeting on April 16, 2024, focusing on a broad array of topics critical to advancing the objectives of the EU's long-term vision for rural areas. This meeting served as a follow-up to prior sessions and sought to integrate insights and recommendations into the Rural Pact's ongoing activities. Objectives and Discussions The primary aim of this gathering was to evaluate the implementation of priority actions set for 2024, which ha...
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Empowering Rural Europe: A Vision for 2040

  The European Commission has laid out a strategic blueprint aimed at revitalizing Europe’s rural areas by 2040. Central to this vision are the initiatives encapsulated in the EU Rural Action Plan and the Rural Pact, designed to foster stronger, connected, resilient, and prosperous rural communities. The plan outlines 30 actions coordinated across 14 Commission departments, promoting a collaborative approach to rural development. Key pillars include enhancing economic opportunities, i...
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Rurbanive Project EU: Pioneering the Future of Rural-Urban Integration

In an unprecedented move to merge the tranquility of rural life with the dynamic pace of urban environments, the European Union has unveiled the Rurbanive Project. This initiative aims to dissolve the longstanding barriers between rural and urban areas, fostering a symbiotic relationship that leverages the strengths of each to create a cohesive, sustainable future. The project's first press release, distributed recently, provides a glimpse into the innovative efforts set to transform how we perc...
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Job Announcement for Project Coordinator in GRANULAR Project

PREPARE (Partnership for Rural Europe) is now looking for a Project Coordinator(s) for a Horizon Europe project named GRANULAR to coordinate and manage the implementation of this project. The role is an upper-level seniority and it is offered on a part-time basis. Role description and responsibilities: Time of engagement: Mid January 2024 to the end of the Project in 2026 (Initial contract period is two years with possibility for extension until the end of the GRANULAR Project) Special work...
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