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Rural Pact Coordination Group: third meeting


The Rural Pact Coordination Group (RPCG) held its third meeting on April 16, 2024, focusing on a broad array of topics critical to advancing the objectives of the EU’s long-term vision for rural areas. This meeting served as a follow-up to prior sessions and sought to integrate insights and recommendations into the Rural Pact’s ongoing activities.

Objectives and Discussions

The primary aim of this gathering was to evaluate the implementation of priority actions set for 2024, which had been determined by the members of the RPCG and supported variably by the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) and the Rural Pact Support Office (RPSO). Key discussions included:

  • A thorough review and exchange on the European Commission’s latest public report on the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas (LTVRA), considering its findings and recommendations for future initiatives.
  • Deliberation on the roles and collaborative processes between RPCG members, which include not only evaluating ongoing actions but also planning new initiatives at national, regional, and local levels.

Role and Function of the RPCG

The RPCG operates under the auspices of the European Commission with significant contributions from DG AGRI and the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO). The group comprises up to 30 representatives from various sectors involved in rural development, ensuring a diverse and comprehensive perspective on the Rural Pact’s strategic direction.

Impact and Future Steps

The third meeting was crucial for setting the trajectory for future rural development policies and actions. The RPCG’s efforts are instrumental in mobilizing resources, aligning strategic objectives, and fostering collaboration among rural stakeholders across Europe. This session also highlighted the preparation for upcoming RPSO activities and further integration of RPCG priorities into broader EU policy frameworks.

For a detailed insight, reports, and documents from the third meeting, the resources are accessible on the Rural Pact’s official website (Rural Pact Platform)​.
