Home / News / National Rural Network of Moldova – Full member of PREPARE Aisbl

National Rural Network of Moldova – Full member of PREPARE Aisbl

During the GA of PREPARE (2020, 15th of May) the National Rural Network of Moldova became a full member of network.

The National Rural Network of Moldova is a union of civil society established in 2018 aiming to support and enhance rural development by promoting fair and inclusive policies, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and information and ensuring constructive dialogue between all partners involved in the implementation of rural development policy.
A wide range of stakeholders with a stake in agriculture and rural development are members of the Network. Presently, the network unites 103 organizations and individual members from national and regional level, including national-wide umbrella organisations representing: women, youth, local public authorities, farmers, local action groups, SMEs, rural tourism, etc.
The network is already recognized as a dedicated partner in rural policy dialogue, with effective collaborative relationships with local public administrations and targeted ministries. The Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment is an active partner of the network with which a cooperation agreement has been signed

Check all our members: https://prepare-network.eu/index.php/members/
