In this edition:
– The 4th European rural parliament – information package for prepare members
– PREPARE board have agreed on the six main working direction of prepare aisbl
-PREPARE have participated in enrd steering group
– Social entrepreneurship as a model for marginalized grpups employment
– 3rd Croatioan rural parliament (Vodice and Tisno, may 20-23, 2019)
– Gathering of Lithuanian rural communities 2019
– Latvian – Estonian cooperation for the development of lags in moldova
– International conference related to coastal development was organised in latvia
– Upcoming event- national rural parliament in the republic of north macedonia
– Prepare Network in 2019 celebrates its 20th anniversary- prepare travelling workshop in finland (2002)
– Introducing our friends- Procore
-Introducing our members- Suomen kylat findlands byar
– Prepare network is promoting new activists for rural development- meet Zachary Dolomanhy from Gagauzia (Moldova)