“Civil Dialogue Group member organisations exchange of view event” was organised by the European Commission on the 1st of February 2019.
Civil dialogue groups assist the Commission to hold a regular dialogue on all matters relating to the common agricultural policy, including rural development, and its implementation. More information about Civil dialogue groups: https://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/civil-dialogue-groups_en
On the 1st of February European Commission gathered the Secretary generals and presidents of all civil dialogue groups to discuss about Brexit.
In addition to the agreement on the withdrawal of the UK from the EU, concerns were expressed about the non-signing of the agreement by the UK. In case of a “hard Brexit”, the following EU aid instruments are planned: Investments aid for agriculture holdings, Investments aid for companies in processing and marketing, advisory services and training, aid for closure of capacity and restructuring, loans, guaranties, rescue and restructuring aid for undertakings in difficulty, de minimis aid.
Together with PREPARE and other NGOs, ELARD representative Kirsten Birke Lund and ERCA representative Staffan Nilson took part in the event.