Home / Events / PREPARE Aisbl President Aris Adlers Participates In Civil Dialogue Group For Rural Development

PREPARE Aisbl President Aris Adlers Participates In Civil Dialogue Group For Rural Development

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“Civil Dialogue Group for Rural Development” was organised by the European Commission on the 27st of February 2019

The following topics where presented by the European Commision:

  • The future Cohesion policy and its contribution to rural development – how can the European Funds work together?
  • Supporting the Bioeconomy in future CAP Strategic Plans
  • Risk management in the post-2020 rural development policy
  • Outcomes of the Stakeholder Round Tables on the Green Architecture of the CAP
  • Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS), Farm advice and Innovation Networking and others

All information, including presentations can be found in the link: https://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/civil-dialogue-groups/rural-development_en

Pay special attention to the presentation about Cohesion policy, where five policy objectives were announced: (1) A smarter Europe (innovative & smart economic transformation) (2) A greener, low-carbon Europe (including energy transition, the circular economy, climate adaptation and risk management) (3) A more connected Europe (mobility and ICT connectivity) (4)  A more social Europe (the European Pillar of Social Rights) (5) A Europe closer to citizens (sustainable development of urban, rural and coastal areas and local initiatives)
